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The Whole Child Approach: Insights from Leaders on its Impact on Students, Teachers, and Districts

10 months ago


Strengthening School Leadership: Effective and Empowering Professional Learning Opportunities for Principals

9 months ago

Leading & Creating Change from Your Archetypal Genius

2 years ago

Supporting New Teachers During Challenging Times

2 years ago

How to Lead While Managing the Unexpected

2 years ago

In this Webinar

The ASCD Whole Child approach defines a successful learner as one who is knowledgeable, emotionally and physically healthy, civically inspired, engaged in the arts, prepared for work and economic self-sufficiency, and ready for the world beyond formal schooling. This approach highlights the long-term development and success of children, rather than measuring success by academic achievement alone.

About the presenter

Amy Neloms brings 19 years of dedication and passion to ensuring that all children are healthy, safe, supported, challenged, and engaged. Prior to joining ASCD, she has served as a school counselor, high school guidance director, K–12 district director of Guidance and Counseling, and executive director of Student Support Services for Birmingham City Schools. Using the Whole Child framework, she was able to educate, advocate, and develop educators, community stakeholders, and parents.

Learn More

Alicia Monroe is a PK–20 experienced educator and international education consultant. Her nationally recognized research, Co-Creative Dialogue in Culturally Proficient Schools, provides a glimpse into the socio-dynamics of school communities and methods of self-correction that will support student achievement. Her notable success in creating a culture of belonging and achievement in schools along with her expertise in developing equity and access models that frame educational opportunities for all students are the core of the ongoing professional learning and support she provides to school districts. A sought-after speaker and facilitator, Monroe has presented her research at several international and national conferences.

Monroe also serves as Assistant Director, Strategic Initiatives at Rowan University. Notably, in this role, she created and implements the Rowan First Star STEAM Academy, a pre-college transition program that engages foster youth in project-based, experiential learning, college to career discovery, and intrusive mentoring and coaching. As adjunct faculty, she teaches undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level courses. Her partnership with the Office of Accessibility Services provides for collaborative planning, mentoring, career coaching, and job placement for differently abled students and alumni. She is also the CEO and Founder of Solutions for Sustained Success, LLC., which offers services and professional learning in the areas of education, organizational systems, change management, leadership, diversity and inclusion, and equity and access.

Monroe received a Doctor of Education degree and earned the coveted Larry Marcus Medallion for Excellence in Doctoral Studies from Rowan University, a master's from Pratt Institute, and a bachelor's from the College of the Holy Cross. Monroe's LinkedIn profile details her leadership, scholarly publications, conference presentations, professional affiliations, and honors.


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