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Member Books

Available ASCD book titles for Premium, Select, and Institutional Plus members of the association.

Join ASCD or upgrade your existing membership to start receiving ASCD books.

Member Books


In addition to the e-books or print books which ASCD Premium, Select, and Institutional Plus members receive as part of their benefits, ASCD members also have online access to the full book text of the most recent member books. These chapters are accessible through the book's information page in its "Table of Contents" section when members are logged in to the website.

Each book listed below also includes the membership level and month for which the e-book or print book was a membership benefit (e.g., EdTech Essentials was the August 2021 Premium member book and either the print book or e-book download was sent to eligible Premium members based on their membership type).

Recent Member Books

This section is updated when the full book text for a new member book becomes available online. The list of upcoming (future) member books is here. If a member book is not in this section, it means the full book text is not yet available.

What Can I Take Off Your Plate? A Structural—and Sustainable—Approach to Countering Teacher Burnout

by Jill Handley, Lara Donnelly

August 2024—Premium, Select, Institutional Plus

Read now
Rekindle Your Professional Fire: Powerful Habits for Becoming a More Well-Balanced Teacher

by Mike Anderson

July 2024—Premium, Select, Institutional Plus

Embracing MESSY Leadership: How the Experience of 20,000 School Leaders Can Transform You and Your School

by Alyssa Gallagher and Rosie Connor

May 2024—Premium

Cultivating a Classroom of Calm

by Meredith McNerney

April 2024—Premium, Select, Institutional Plus

The Principal's Guide to Conflict Management

by Jen Schwanke

February 2024—Premium

Every Connection Matters: How to Build, Maintain, and Restore Relationships Inside the Classroom and Out

by Michael Creekmore, Nita Creekmore

January 2024—Premium, Select, Institutional Plus

The Antiracist Roadmap to Educational Equity

by Avis Williams, Brenda Elliott

December 2023—Premium

Classroom Assessment Essentials

by Susan Brookhart

November 2023—Premium, Select, Institutional Plus

Make Teaching Sustainable: Six Shifts That Teachers Want and Students Need

by Paul Emerich France

August 2023—Premium

Teach for Authentic Engagement

by Lauren Porosoff

July 2023—Premium, Select, Institutional Plus

Results Now 2.0: The Untapped Opportunities for Swift, Dramatic Gains in Achievement

by Mike Schmoker

May 2023—Premium

Powerful Student Care: Honoring Each Learner as Distinctive and Irreplaceable

by Grant Chandler and Kathleen M. Budge

April 2023—Premium, Select, Institutional Plus

Understanding Your Instructional Power: Curriculum and Language Decisions to Support Each Student

by Tanji Reed Marshall

February 2023—Premium

Amplify Student Voices: Equitable Practices to Build Confidence in the Classroom

by AnnMarie Baines, Diana Medina, and Caitlin Healy

January 2023—Premium, Select, Institutional Plus

Leading and Managing a Differentiated Classroom, 2nd Edition

by Carol Ann Tomlinson and Marcia B. Imbeau

December 2022—Premium

The New Classroom Instruction That Works: The Best Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement

by Bryan Goodwin, Kristin Rouleau

November 2022—Premium, Select, Institutional Plus

Upcoming (and Recent) Member Books

Books in this section do not yet have online text available. If the book's title is hyperlinked, you can learn more about the book and pre-order copies if you won't receive it as part of your benefits level (or want to order additional copies for your team).

Note: The dates and titles of future member books are subject to change. ASCD will communicate all changes to members via the Membership FAQ and ASCD Delivers e-newsletter. Please visit the Membership FAQ for the anticipated availability dates for the print, e-book, and online text for these future titles.


The online text for this book is coming soon.


How Many Print or E-Books Do I Get, Again?

Premium: Digital Premium members receive up to 9 e-books per year, and Digital + Print Premium members receive up to 9 print books per year.

Select and Institutional Plus: Digital Select members receive up to 5 e-books per year, and Digital + Print Select members receive up to 5 print books per year. Institutional Plus members receive 5 print books per year (the same books as Digital + Print Select).

Read the eligibility requirements for more information.

Membership Benefits Questions?

Please contact us if you have questions about membership benefits or visit our FAQ.

Be in the know with ASCD Delivers

ASCD Delivers is a biweekly e-newsletter that contains all of the exclusive content, resources (including details about new member books), and analysis for ASCD members delivered directly to your inbox.

If you're a member, you automatically receive ASCD Delivers to the email address associated with your account. Don't see it? Check your spam and junk folders, or contact us for assistance.

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